Mick Doellinger Works

Mr. Russell by Mick Doellinger
  • Mick Doellinger

  • Mr. Russell

  • Bronze
  • 15 " x 15 " x 8 "
  • When I first met "Mighty Mick" (the Jack Russell Terrier that was later to become the inspiration for my bronze sculpture "Mr. Russell") he was 16 years old. Surprisingly, he looked and behaved like a 5 - 6 yr old dog and I recall commenting on what a great looking "type" of JRT he was (the breed varies so much). I told his owners he would make a great model for a sculpture. Within a year of our meeting, "Mighty Mick" had passed away and his owners called to ask if I was still interested in sculpting a Jack Russell. Most of my pieces start with a desire to sculpt a particular animal; in this case, meeting this dog was the catalyst for the creation of this piece!

    Edition 30
  • $3,500